October 8, 2024
Newest Grand Master: Congratulations to Max Robb who became a Grand Master up at Congress last week. Tournament Results from the National Bridge Congress: National Junior Events: Junior Pairs: 1st - Jesse Pelenato/Bridget O'Brien, 3rd - Cindy Wang NZ Junior Swiss Pairs: 2nd - Leo Hammond NZ Junior Teams: 2nd - Leo Hammond Congress Junior Teams: 1st - Leo Hammond National Intermediate Events: National Intermediate Teams: 3rd - Judy Parkinson/Shawn Adriel-Ai Congress Intermediate Teams: 1st - Judy Parkinson/Shawn Adriel-Ai National Restricted Open Events: National Restricted Open Swiss Pairs: 1st - Tony Quinlivan Congress Restricted Open Teams: 3rd - Tony Quinlivan National Senior Events National Senior Swiss Pairs: 2nd - Ian Southen/Kelvin Tibble National Open Events: NZ Open Pairs: 7th - Max Morrison/Leon Meier, 8th - Jane Lennon, 13th - David Skipper/Tim Schumacher NZ Open Teams: 3rd - Jane Lennon (and part of winning Cornell Cup team for top mixed team overall) Congress Teams: 1st - Max Morrison/Leon Meier CHCH All Grades ( 8B tournament) : Date: Sunday 20th October. Enter on-line. Refer flyer on the Home Page or foyer noticeboard at the Club for more details. Club Programme Book 2025: The club is looking for new advertisers for the Club Programme Book. If you or your friends have a business and would like to place an advert into the Programme Book, please let the office know before the 19th of October. Seminar: for Senior and Senior Reserve players. Date: Sunday 27th October. Topic: ‘Defence - working with partner to defeat the contract. Signals, 2nd and 3rd hand play, and making the most of your honours!’ Tutor: Shirley Newton Sign up sheet is in the foyer. Refer flyer on the Home Page for more information. NZ Wide Pairs: Date: the club will be hosting a session, Friday 15th November at 7:20pm. $10 from each entry from the event will go to support the New Zealand Bridge Foundation. Enter on-line. Refer flyer on the Home Page for more information. InterClub Teams: Expressions of Interest to represent the club at the upcoming InterClub teams being held at the club on Sunday, November 3rd. There is a new category this year, Restricted Open. All the information can be found on the foyer noticeboard. Added 11-Oct-2024 Wednesday Night Teams: Starts next Wednesday Attention: Club Senior/Senior Reserve Players A 3-night event on Wednesdays Oct 16, 23, 30 Note: 7pm start We have the teams event for Juniors & Intermediates “Play with an Expert” Each team will consist of one senior and 3 juniors or intermediates, 3 rounds per night, with the senior playing with each of the juniors/intermediates. You must commit to the 3 nights or find a substitute for your team. We need 20 helpful kind Seniors / Senior Reserve players. These sessions are free for the Senior / SR player. Attention: Club Junior / Club Intermediate Players We have space for another seven teams of 3 junior or intermediate players as long as we get enough senior/senior reserve players. Play with an expert: This is your chance to find how much fun teams are and to play with a senior player!! A 3-night event on Oct 16, 23, 30 Note: 7pm start You will need three in your team and you will be joined by a Senior player who will play one round with each of your team each night. If you have any questions or would like to enter, please email the office.