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NZ Bridge Newsletters - 4

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June 16, 2020

Newsletter No: 4 for 2020

The move from Alert level 3 to Alert Level 2 is a positive step towards some normality. Regrettably, we could not in all consciousness recommend that Clubs open. Like everyone we will continue to monitor the situation and will provide a further advisory following the Government’s next update. In the meantime, we hope online bridge is filling the void. It is clear people are becoming more comfortable with online bridge. You may have seen the interview with Cybil Cornell on Breakfast TV (TV1). It showed we can all master technology no matter our age. Online bridge is however quite different to playing face to face as there is a need to self-alert the meaning of bids, avoid mis-clicks and minimize distractions.

The increase in use of online bridge has created new opportunities for players to act in a manner not consistent with the code of conduct or the intended values of the game we love so much. Online bridge is a new area for the regulation of the game and an area where changes occur, and understandings grow. 

There is a new section in the NZ Bridge Manual, which is repeated below:

Clubs and Regions within New Zealand are increasingly organizing bridge online using platforms such as Bridge Base Online. All bridge sessions organised by Clubs and Regions including online bridge, come under the auspices of NZ Bridge. The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017 and the Regulations in this manual including the Code of Conduct apply to online bridge but with any modifications that are necessary due to the differences between online bridge and face to face bridge. In addition, and for the avoidance of doubt the following regulations also apply to online bridge:

  1. The obtaining of any information about any hand, other than information obtained by proper means during the hand is prohibited. (Law16)
  2. Communication during play between partners, by any means other than via the online platform is prohibited.
  3. Logging onto the online platform under more than one account simultaneously, during play, is prohibited.
  4. Any breaches of 1), 2) or 3) above is a serious transgression of the proprieties of bridge.

Over the last few weeks we have been working with our counterparts, the ABF in Australia to develop a response to the WBF’s decision to postpone the World Bridge Games until February/March next year plus proceed with the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and other events later in the year. All putting significant pressure on National Bridge Organisations to support and fund these events in these unusual times. Interestingly our letter was picked up by the International Bridge Press Association with the editor supporting our representations. We will see what happens next week when the management committee of the WBF meets.

COVID-19 for some clubs is causing hardship. Pleasingly however the majority are managing and not in need of help. We have received a call for the organisation to suspend, reduce or cancel the annual levy paid to NZ Bridge. There seems to be a misconception that the annual levy collected by the Clubs belongs to the Clubs. Think of it like GST, businesses collect the GST and pay it onto the Government. In our case Clubs collect the levy on our behalf and pay it to us in quarterly instalments. If we were going to offer relief the money would have to be returned to the players. In real terms we are talking about $1.67 a month. For those who do not separate the funds from Club revenue we suggest the affiliation fee collected on behalf of NZ Bridge is maintained in a separate account and not used to cover usual operating costs. COVID-19 highlights the need to plan for a rainy day. Clubs need to think about what level their annual subscription should be pitched and the level of table money. We are not necessarily advocating increasing the cost of the game but a need to be realistic. 

We understand the challenges clubs are encountering. We derive our revenue from the affiliation fee and from masterpoints. With no club sessions or tournaments our revenue has also dried up. We will be issuing invoices for the present quarter but have said to clubs we will consider relief on an individual basis, based on application

The other significant request for help relates to resuming bridge and health and safety guidelines. The latter we have prepared and is presently being peer reviewed. Once complete detail will be released to clubs. Health and Safety will be part of the requirement of returning to bridge. Clubs will need to set up a COVID-19 prevention structure with protocols and rules which follow the best medical advice. We are working on guidelines for clubs to adopt. We will get these published as soon as possible to allow clubs plenty of preparation time. One of the things clubs can do is to stay in touch with their membership. When the time comes players might requirement support to return to the table. Lockdown has allowed us to finish drafting of the NZ Bridge manual. The new manual will be on the website very shortly.

Over the last few months, we have been working on a top-level marketing plan to form part of an overarching strategy for rejuvenating the game, and more importantly to build club membership and increase player participation. We are in the infancy of this project and best described as work in progress. The largest marketing tool currently is the website; however, it is largely an operational platform, not a consumer-friendly advertising mechanism to reach out to bridge players. Do not get us wrong there  is a huge repository of information on the platform and the platform delivers significant value- e.g. Masterpoints and tournament entry.

There is no publicity plan to share the stories of the players, a tool that brings the game to life. All public facing channels need to be as polished as they can be, particularly those used by the key target audience. Part of the work we need to do is look at our website and ensure it is consumer facing. The information and much of the functionality is great but as indicated above is focused towards existing players not set up to entice new players. We are keen to hear from anyone out there who might be able and are willing to help us. If you are interested can you contact Alister.

One of the casualties of COVID-19 has been cancelation of several of our tournaments. To date 95 Club Tournaments, 7 Regional Congress’s, and the Interprovincial trials have been cancelled. Many clubs have approached us to see if there is a window in the tournament calendar to reinstate these events when we are back playing. The Tournament calendar is congested and finding space that does not conflict with a neighbouring region is a challenge. We should satisfy ourselves there will be plenty of face to face bridge when we return.

Cheers Allan

March 28, 2025
Added 28-March-2025 NZ Bridge Website Issues Hi to all Canty Clubs - Ashburton Tournament 5th April Can you please forward this to your members please: "If you entered our 5th April Ashburton tournament in the last few days, while the website was having problems, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, check if you are entered. People who did enter very recently have been dropped off it seems. If your name doesn’t appear on the entry list, PLEASE enter again. Thanks. Ashburton Bridge Club 79 Alford Forest Rd Ashburton 7700 (03) 308 4276" From NZ Bridge Hi again everyone, Just quick progress report for you to share with your members. The roll back has been successful. Players and administrators should now be able to enter tournaments We can add flyers to tournament listings and those loaded previously can be accessed. Clubs can now upload session files for masterpoint purposes. Administrators are now able to make changes to player records for membership purposes. There will be some updates that were captured during the days that the revamped website was up that will have been lost due to the wind back. If its session files these can now be reloaded. Membership changes can be reloaded (send to me if that helps) One thing that will be an issue is tournament entries made during this period. Those will have been lost. I am sorry about that but ask that you check the current listings and if you can recall missing ones, please add them back. Share this email with your members and ask them to check their recent tournament entries and resubmit them if they are missing. Tomorrow we will continue the tidy up and have even thing sorted before the weekend. If anyone is having login issues particularly club administrators, please email me. I can record a temp password t get people up and running. Finally, I know that Bridget is working hard to get the congress events back on the calendar and will open them up for entries sometime tomorrow. I will send a note out when this is operative. Thanks everyone for supporting us and for your patience while we sort things out. Some good progress today, and we will all sleep a little easier tonight. Best wishes, Alister. Added 27-March-2025 Helen Bremner , valued club member and past committee member, passed away earlier this week. Helen’s friends are invited by her family to attend a Celebration of Helen’s Life at Birdwood in Beckenham 2-4pm Saturday 29 March. April Tutorial – Aimed at Junior and Intermediate players: This coming Wednesday night at 5.50pm, $5 Learn to switch your brain to the NT page, as responses to NT’s are quite different to when your partner opens 1-suit. Describe your shape and HCP to reach the best contract. We will also learn how to use Stayman correctly to find a Major FIT. NZ Bridge Website Issues: Date: 26/03/2025 To Club Secretaries CC Regions Please share this important information with your members' I am writing to share some important information regarding the situation with the refreshed website and the serious implications that this changeover has had on our database and some key functions. There is no point trying to sugar coat a disaster, so I am telling it as it is. While we had hoped that the functions including tournament entry management, membership management and the congress entry function would be remedied quickly, it is clear to me that this is not going to be achievable. A further issue was discovered last night where in some players had lost their A points after files for a team’s tournament were uploaded. As this was not able to be fixed as of 4pm today I have made the decision in conjunction with the site developers to wind things back to the old Website. This will enable the new offering to be worked on (offline) and tested properly before going live. There is no time frame for this, it’s imperative that we do this properly this time. This will take place tomorrow (Thursday) during which time there will be no website access. It will mean that the position will be rolled back to as of Thursday morning last week. Session files and membership changes input since then will need to be reloaded. Players may find that they need to log in with their former passwords. If need be, I can reset these on request. To make this happen I need you all to work with me. I want clubs to refrain from uploading session files until I give the go ahead to do so. That is likely to be Monday next week. This will include any files previously uploaded from Thursday last week as these will be dropped as part of the wind back. If you have made any membership changes since then I would like you to send the details to me. I will take responsibility at this end to load these when I can. For those who have sent in such changes already, I still have the details, and they will be on my to do list. With regards to the Congress entry function this new offering is not going to be available for this year’s event. When the wind back is up and running Bridget will put the congress events back in the schedule and will open them up for entries. We will advise you by email when this is available. Between us we are working on an option in the short term for payments. It may be by way of the issue of an invoice or using a “stripe” payments facility. More on this when we can. For those clubs with tournaments this weekend I will cut and paste your entry lists now and email those to you separately. I want to make sure you have information as of now. Things are rugged for us all right now, but rest assured we and our designers are working hard to sort this all out. Best wishes, Alister. Date: 27/03/2025 Good morning Just touching base with a progress report for you. Thank you so much for the kind messages we received over night, they certainly help us at this end. We are making good progress with the roll back. The old website is now in view with the restoration of the database as at last week underway. This will take some time to complete. At this point though we are not ready for club admin people to load any changes or input session files. As mentioned yesterday please send any membership changes to me and hold your session files back until we give the go-ahead to upload them. I also mentioned yesterday that players may experience an issue logging in when we give the word that it is safe to do so. They will need to use their original login details. I can reset passwords at this end if need be. Please share this with your members as we want players and clubs to be fully informed as we work through this. I will touch base again later today hopefully with a further report. We will be on deck and available over the weekend to work though queries and issues that arise. Regards, Alister. From 26-March-2025 Sunday Seminar 30th March (this Sunday: aimed at Junior and Intermediate players. Email the office to sign up. Starts at 10am. Tutor: Neal Phillips Cost: $15 Topic: Overcalls The opponents will open the bidding before you about half the time, so it is important to have an effective defensive bidding structure. You and partner must be confident in the meanings of each other’s bids. We will discuss what you are showing partner when you overcall a suit bid, pre-emptive bids, and no-trump bids. When do you double? When do you cue bid? Have you even discussed what it means when you double opponents minor suit pre-empt? Waimate All Grades 8B Tournament: For those who have entered, please read the following message re this tournament. "The link on the email and flyer to our tournament on 6 April has changed because of the recent changes to NZ Bridge website. As long as your members have re-registered on the new website this new link should work. If they have any problems, just email me the names to add. The link is now " Cruise Bridge session at the Club Date & Time: Thursday 10th April at 10am until 1pm. 20 visitors from the cruise along with Jeff Grotenhuis, owner of the Agile Bridge Club in Los Angeles are coming to play at the Club and we would love our members to welcome and join them in this bridge session. Morning tea provided. See the foyer noticeboard to enter. Westende Jewellers , Club sponsor are having their Anniversary sale 26th March to the 6th April, 421 Colombo Street.
March 18, 2025
Added 21-March-2025 Newest Grandmasters Congratulations to Julia and Peter Watson having become grandmasters this year. New Club Committee voted in at the AGM President: Shangar Singh Vice-President: Marilyn Copland Committee: John Skipper Lizzie Thompson Ian Southen Bridget O’Brien Helen Beaumont Rex Denley Sunday Seminar 30th March: aimed at Junior and Intermediate players. Email the office to sign up. Starts at 10am. Tutor: Neal Phillips Cost: $15 Topic: Overcalls The opponents will open the bidding before you about half the time, so it is important to have an effective defensive bidding structure. You and partner must be confident in the meanings of each other’s bids. We will discuss what you are showing partner when you overcall a suit bid, pre-emptive bids, and no-trump bids. When do you double? When do you cue bid? Have you even discussed what it means when you double opponents minor suit pre-empt? Treasurer’s Role: The Club is looking for expressions of interest for the position of Treasurer following the recent resignation of our treasurer, Mark Paget. Please contact the office if you are interested. Cruise Bridge session at the Club Date & Time: Thursday 10th April at 10am until 1pm. 20 visitors from the cruise along with Jeff Grotenhuis, owner of the Agile Bridge Club in Los Angeles are coming to play at the Club and we would love our members to welcome and join them in this bridge session. Morning tea provided. See the foyer noticeboard to enter. Westende Jewellers , Club sponsor are having their Anniversary sale 26th March to the 6th April, 421 Colombo Street. From 18-March-2025 Club AGM: Date & Time: March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. There being more Committee Member nominations than positions available financial members may cast a ballot up to one hour before scheduled club sessions until Wednesday and will also be able to vote at the AGM. There will be a Special General meeting to follow the AGM. This Special General Meeting is called solely for the purpose of voting to approve this new constitution and can be found on the Club’s website on the "About" page (scroll down to find the button to access them). Treasurer’s Role: The Club is looking for expressions of interest for the position of Treasurer following the recent resignation of our treasurer, Mark Paget. Please contact the office if you are interested. The Club’s Annual & Finance Reports can also be viewed on the "About" page . EFTPOS Tickets: If you purchase an EFTPOS ticket for a session and find you cannot use it, please see the director to give your $10 back in cash. Please do not use them for another session. A ChCh team, Red Devils , won the monthly team event at Crockfords last Friday. The team comprised Janine Tyler, Janene Mussen, Christine Sweeney and Doug Williams.
March 11, 2025
Club AGM: Date & Time: March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. There being more Committee Member nominations than positions available financial members may cast a ballot up to one hour before scheduled club sessions from this Thursday evening. Tuesday Supervised Duplicate: will be on this Tuesday afternoon at 1pm. No partner required. John Skipper will be in attendance. Added 15-March-2025 Club AGM: March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. There being more Committee Member nominations than positions available financial members may cast a vote up to one hour before scheduled club sessions until Wednesday and will also be able to vote at the AGM. AGM Agenda: Minutes of the 72nd Annual General Meeting. To receive and adopt the 2024 Annual Report and Balance Sheet. Election of Officers and Members of the Committee. Appointment of Auditor. Presentation of Special Awards General Business. Special General Meeting The Club’s Annual Report and Performance Report can be viewed from the Club’s website, accessible from the following page . Treasurer’s Role: The Club is looking for expressions of interest for the position of Treasurer following the recent resignation of our Treasurer, Mark Paget. Please contact the office if you are interested. EFTPOS Tickets: If you purchase an EFTPOS ticket for a session and find you cannot use it, please see the Director to give your $10 back in cash. Please do not use them for another session.
March 3, 2025
Club Constitution: There will be another question and answer session for interested members this Thursday 6th March at 6:30pm. Club AGM: Date & Time: March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. Nominations are now being taken for the committee. Nominations forms can be found in the foyer. Completed forms are to be handed into the office by noon this Wednesday, 5th March. Tuesday Afternoon Bridge: We run a session every Tuesday afternoon starting at 1pm. No partner required but you need to be at the Club 10 minutes before the session starts.
February 26, 2025
Club Constitution: There will be a question and answer session for interested members this Thursday at 6:30pm. Sunday Seminar aimed at the senior/senior reserve level: Date & Time: Sunday 2nd March, 10:00am Tutor: Jane Skipper Topic: 'Making My Contract - suits, no trumps, part scores or slams!' Cost: $15 Bring your lunch and play in the Sunday Afternoon session. Club AGM: Date & Time: March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. Nominations are now being taken for the committee. Nominations forms can be found in the foyer. Completed forms are to be handed into the office. From the Director: 1. Announce strength 1NT rebid if it isn’t 15-17 (Acol) 2. Use of tablet: a. South only enters data into the tablet. b. North in charge of boards. c. West passes boards back at the end of the round. d. East confirms the contact and result is entered correctly.
February 10, 2025
Tournament Results from the Gold Coast Bridge Congress: Open Pairs: 3rd – Leon Meier / Geo Tislevoll (Auckland) Restricted Pairs: 2nd – Julie t Davanney / Judy Parkinson Same Sex Teams: 1st – Juliet Davanney/Judy Parkinson/Viv Hurst / Linda White Novice Butler Swiss Pairs: 1st – Bridget O’Brien / Jessie Pelenato Novice Pairs : 2nd – Bridget O’Brien / Jessie Pelenato Novice Teams: 3rd – Nicki Hudson / Pam Miller / Bridget O’Brien / Jessie Pelenato Back to Bridge Refresher course: Starts this Wednesday 12 February 7:20pm for a 7:30pm start. Runs for 6 weeks. Tutor: Dave Taylor. Cost: $30. Let the office know if you would like to attend. Remember: Starts this Wednesday Tuesday Supervised Duplicate: will be on next Tuesday afternoon at 1pm. No partner required. Jane Skipper will be in attendance. Sunday Seminar aim at the senior/senior reserve level: Date & Time: Sunday 2nd March, 10:00am. Tutor: Jane Skipper. Topic: 'Making My Contract - suits, no trumps, part scores or slams!' Cost: $15. Bring your lunch and play in the Sunday Afternoon session. Club AGM: Will be held March 20th, 2025 at 6pm. Nominations are now being taken for the committee. Nominations forms can be found in the foyer. Completed forms are to be handed into the office. Club Working Bee: Saturday, 15th February at 9.30am until Midday. National Rubber Bridge Competition: Open to all players. Refer flyer on the Home Page for more information. Tournament Review: NZ Bridge is carrying out a review of the tournament schedule in general including the Inter-Regional Championships (previously known as the Inter-Provincials). The Canterbury Region will be making submissions. If you have any views on the following we would like to hear from you. We need to get replies by noon on 18 February. Topics you may reply to include: Should the Inter-Regional Championships continue at all, and if so, be played online or face-to-face. Are there too many, not enough or just the right number of events each year? Would you like more B point tournaments? Do you have any views on online bridge? Any other suggestions? The Christchurch Club would like to hear from members with their views. Please email
January 13, 2025
Monday Night Supported Junior Section Recommences tonight (13th Jan) at 7:20pm. No partner required. Tuesday Afternoon with Jane Skipper Tomorrow at 12:50pm. No partner required. Tournament Results Canterbury Holiday Pairs Open: John & Jane Skipper Restricted Open: Anne Simpson & Kathy Hamilton Intermediate: Tina Sims & Jane Walders Junior: Robert & Bronwyn Bijl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday volunteer spare players 2025: We are looking for volunteers to be a spare players/volunteers for the above sessions. There is a sign-up list in the foyer. You will be added to a roster. The more volunteers the better. Need a new partner for 2025? Please let the office know. 2025 Subscriptions: The subs are $90 and to be paid by the 31st January. From February they will be $100. Please check that you haven’t paid for your subs already. We had quite a few members paying twice last year. Club Constitution: The Christchurch Bridge Club Inc is an incorporated society, under the 1908 Incorporated Societies Act. There is a new version of the Incorporated Societies Act (2022). This has been written to update requirements and return to this Act being aligned more closely against the Companies Act. There are many changes, most of which have little or no effect on our normal operations. What we are required to do is have more robust processes to admit members (members must agree to join the club) and more about disciplinary matters with a strong focus on natural justice. The people on the committee need to be fit and proper persons and there are some requirements on who can or can’t be involved. With the required changes our constitution is swelling to be twenty pages long where it was six pages long before. The draft constitution is posted on the Club’s website and on the whiteboard at the club. There will be a question and answer session. The date and time is yet to be set. Next beginner Bridge lessons Start Date: Monday 27th January at 7:30pm. Tutor: Leon Meier Please let your family and friends know. Back to Bridge Refresher Course Start Date: Wednesday 12th February at 7:20pm for a 7:30 start. Tutor: Jane Skipper. Cost: $30. Runs for 6 weeks. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Wednesday Seminar starts again on the first Wednesday of February at 5.50pm. Juniors and Intermediates – “Have you forgotten anything over the break? Revise all opening bids, as well as responses to 1-of-a-suit opener at the first Tutorial for the year. Wednesday February 5th, be seated by 5.50pm and learn how to bid both balanced and distributional hands.”
December 20, 2024
Club Closure: The Club will be closed from today (Friday 20th December) after bridge. The staff are having a well-earned break. The next session will be held on Friday 27th December at 10.20am. Finishing at 2pm. Juniors: Please note - there will be a separate section for Junior and newer players to the game, so come along. We will run another Friday Junior section on Friday, January 3rd. Remember to bring your lunch! The Club wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
December 5, 2024
Charity Pairs: is being held this Saturday 7th December at 10am. The charity we are supporting this year is Life Education. Life Education exists to empower children with the knowledge and confidence to make positive decisions for a healthy mind and body. More information about this charity can be found on the foyer noticeboard. Enter on-line. Required: a stand-by pair for the Charity Pairs this Saturday. Please let the office know if you can help. Tournament Results: Regional Championships: Congratulations to the Canterbury Team which won the Dougal Mclean Trophy. The Victorious Canterbury Team: Open: Jane Lennon / David Taylor & Les Frater / Tony Fitzgerald - 4th place Intermediate: Shawn Adriel-Ai / Jane Walders & Judy Parkinson /Philippa Borlase - 1st place Women's: Shirley Newton / Margaret Burgess & Sue Southern / Pam Tibble - 1st place Senior: Max Morrison / Tony Quinlivan & Paula Gregory / Michael Johnstone - 3rd place Garden Working Bee Another gardening bee is scheduled for Saturday 14th December at 9.30am for a couple of hours. Wednesday and Sunday volunteer spare players 2025: We are looking for volunteers to be a spare player at the Wednesday night or Sunday sessions. You will be added to a roster. The more volunteers the better. Need a new partner for 2025? Please let the office know. Added 6-Dec-2024 Tuesday afternoon supervised session 10th Dec starts at 1pm, no partner required. This is the last one for the year and Leon Meier will provide a short lesson and then you will be able to ask him questions during play.
November 20, 2024
Tournament Results: NZ Wide Pairs ChCh: David and Lynn Taylor were first E/W and 3rd overall in the Canterbury Region. Jane Morris and Hayden Seal were first N/S Westport Open: 1st: Leon Meier & Moss Wylie (Invercargill) Christchurch Peony Club are having a show at our club on Sunday 24th November, 12pm-3pm for those who are interested. Come along to view at midday and then play in the Sunday bridge session starting at 12.50pm, no partner required. Session Convener Elections: will take place on the week of November 25th. A nomination form is on the foyer noticeboard. Club Garden: We are looking for volunteers who could come in on a semi-regular basis to help keep the club gardens looking great especially at this time of year. The club is open from 9am in the morning during the week. If you can help, please let the office know. We have won a Garden award from the city council for the last 3 years. Working Bee Saturday 30th November - 9.30am – midday. Mainly gardening. Bidding Pads: The club is about to order more bidding pads and are looking for companies/other who would like to advertise on the pads. If you are interested, please contact the office before the end of November for further details.
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