January 13, 2025
Monday Night Supported Junior Section Recommences tonight (13th Jan) at 7:20pm. No partner required. Tuesday Afternoon with Jane Skipper Tomorrow at 12:50pm. No partner required. Tournament Results Canterbury Holiday Pairs Open: John & Jane Skipper Restricted Open: Anne Simpson & Kathy Hamilton Intermediate: Tina Sims & Jane Walders Junior: Robert & Bronwyn Bijl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday volunteer spare players 2025: We are looking for volunteers to be a spare players/volunteers for the above sessions. There is a sign-up list in the foyer. You will be added to a roster. The more volunteers the better. Need a new partner for 2025? Please let the office know. 2025 Subscriptions: The subs are $90 and to be paid by the 31st January. From February they will be $100. Please check that you haven’t paid for your subs already. We had quite a few members paying twice last year. Club Constitution: The Christchurch Bridge Club Inc is an incorporated society, under the 1908 Incorporated Societies Act. There is a new version of the Incorporated Societies Act (2022). This has been written to update requirements and return to this Act being aligned more closely against the Companies Act. There are many changes, most of which have little or no effect on our normal operations. What we are required to do is have more robust processes to admit members (members must agree to join the club) and more about disciplinary matters with a strong focus on natural justice. The people on the committee need to be fit and proper persons and there are some requirements on who can or can’t be involved. With the required changes our constitution is swelling to be twenty pages long where it was six pages long before. The draft constitution is posted on the Club’s website and on the whiteboard at the club. There will be a question and answer session. The date and time is yet to be set. Next beginner Bridge lessons Start Date: Monday 27th January at 7:30pm. Tutor: Leon Meier Please let your family and friends know. Back to Bridge Refresher Course Start Date: Wednesday 12th February at 7:20pm for a 7:30 start. Tutor: Jane Skipper. Cost: $30. Runs for 6 weeks. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Wednesday Seminar starts again on the first Wednesday of February at 5.50pm. Juniors and Intermediates – “Have you forgotten anything over the break? Revise all opening bids, as well as responses to 1-of-a-suit opener at the first Tutorial for the year. Wednesday February 5th, be seated by 5.50pm and learn how to bid both balanced and distributional hands.”